
Gerard advises clients across a range of contentious matters, including cross-border commercial disputes, regulatory matters and professional indemnity matters. Gerard has significant experience in high-end commercial disputes and in public law matters.

He has been involved in significant cross border commercial disputes, in major insurance litigation, and in significant professional negligence litigation, acting both for Plaintiffs and Defendants.

Key highlights include advising:


  • insured parties in the recent Covid-19 business interruption test cases, other Covid-19 related business interruption claims and in other coverage disputes before the Courts, in arbitration and before the FSPO.

General Commercial Litigation:

  • the Plaintiffs in major cross-border litigation concerning alleged fraud and conspiracy.
  • Corporates regarding shareholder disputes and company law issues including breach of warranty and oppression claims.
  • Warranty claims, including the buyer of a pharmacy regarding claims against the seller
  • Restitutionary claims for sums overpaid.
  • Professional negligence disputes, particularly as regards solicitors, valuers and accountants.


  • Assisting in the defence of ongoing regulatory issues for a client in the health sector.
  • in relation to a successful application by a client to have certain findings of a Tribunal of Enquiry vacated.