Pre-Christmas and Year End Deadlines for Funds
The Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”) has issued its annual letter outlining the timeframes for receipt of fund/sub-fund applications and post-authorisation amendments that have pre-Christmas or pre-year end authorisation/approval/noting deadlines.
Deadlines for receipt of complete applications to facilitate pre-Christmas and year end approvals.
Individual Questionnaire Filings
The deadlines for Individual Questionnaire (IQ) filings are as follows:
- IQ relating to QIAIFs – 5pm on 3 December; and
- IQs relating to other fund types and fund service providers – 5pm on 23 November
Fund/Post-Authorisation Applications
The deadlines for fund/post-authorisation applications are:
- funds and non-fast-track sub-funds (and self-managed/internally managed investment company/ICAV applications) – 5pm on 12 October;
- fast-track sub-funds – 5pm on 9 November;
- post-authorisation – the deadline for major items is 5pm on 12 October and 5pm on 9 November for all other items.
QIAIF filings for authorisation/approval noting
The deadline for filings via ORION is two days before the proposed approval date, at 5pm. For paper filings, the deadline is 3pm on the day before the proposed approval date. For example where the proposed approval date is 21 December, the deadline for the Orion filing is 5pm on 19 December, and the deadline for the paper filing is 3 pm on 20 December.
Where the proposed approval date is 27 December, the relevant deadlines are 5pm on 20 December and 3pm on 21 December, respectively.
Other deadlines
Other deadlines are as follows:
- QIAIF change of service provider filings with an effective date between 27 December 2018 and 1 January 2019 – 5pm on 17 December;
- Investment Manager applications – 5pm on 9 November; and
- ICAV Registration/Conversion/Migration applications – 5pm on 3 December.
For executed documents for UCITS and RIAIF authorisations/approvals/notings required on:
- 24 December - 3pm on 21 December;
- 2 January – 3pm on 28 December (2 January is the first day of 2019 that funds may be authorised/approved).
Funds seeking to revoke at end December 2018 must submit a complete revocation application, including payment of the funding levy, by 5pm on 7 December.
This document has been prepared by McCann FitzGerald LLP for general guidance only and should not be regarded as a substitute for professional advice. Such advice should always be taken before acting on any of the matters discussed.
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