
John Neeson | Partner

With several barristers in the family, the law was always a potential career avenue for John.

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Why Law

'I had lots of people to ask advice from! As I progressed through school, I found that I was quite interested in it anyway. Then, when I went to Trinity to study law, it copper-fastened in my mind that this was the kind of work I wanted to do in the future.' After graduation, John worked in a criminal law firm in Dublin before going to Australia and securing a job in the Attorney General’s office in Sydney. He came back to Ireland in 2008 and joined McCann FitzGerald in 2009.

‘At the McCann FitzGerald interview, the people I met with had an understated, quiet confidence, they weren’t brash’

Life at McCann FitzGerald

'At the McCann FitzGerald interview, the people I met with had an understated, quiet confidence, they weren’t brash. I felt they were keen to work with me, and took an interest in what I had to say.' When he started his traineeship, John found that the work suited him well; he enjoyed the transactional nature of it and it was never dull. 'One day you’re dealing with someone who sells cars, the next day it’s someone who is making a lifesaving cancer drug. But the core job that you do for your client remains the same, so you can build up your skills while still learning about the different aspects of a range of industries.'

His job today

Today, John works in the Corporate Group, with a particular focus on private equity and venture capital transactions. 'At any one time you can be working on six things, it’s very fast paced. The venture capital side of things is great, in particular the startup programme. You meet people who are really excited about what they are doing; they are starting on a path, and as time passes, you see them succeed. You feel like you’re more than just their lawyer, you get a real sense of achievement.' He advises anyone who is considering a career with McCann FitzGerald to go with their gut instinct. 'I did, and it served me well. Even if you’re not sure that it’s what you want to do for the rest of your life, it’s a great place to meet some really nice people, get unparalleled training, and access great work and interesting clients. You’ll be creating building blocks for your future that you won’t regret.'